Twitter: @MatthewWSiu
Email: [email protected]
Three questions have been top of mind this year:
Writing should take steps to help a readers coming from different backgrounds.
Making multimedia annotations a standard could help.
Ex: Mention a place and a user could hover over the place name to pull up a google maps preview. Or mention a paper and get the PDF. Mentioning a name pulls up that person's wikipedia or personal site.
We often communicate complex ideas and models in our writing. How can we help readers piece together the model from the text?
One common model we try to communicate are timelines. Explored adding a timeline mapped to dates mentioned in the essay.
Exploring ways to get around writers block for first drafts. By preventing the user from using the backspace, you give them permission to make typos and to write half-baked thoughts.
Data visualization is all about emphasizing certain dimensions of a dataset over others. I'm excited about the possibility of giving users the ability to easily explore various views. Each view optimized for answering a particular question.
Visualizations of large connected graphs are often messy and overwhelming. Wanted to explore a graph view that might be more useful
This explorer lets you navigate a large graph of chinese characters and phrases. By seeing only the inbound and outbound links for the current node, this helps make a large graph more manageable to comfortably explore.
Realized a lot of meaning is in the word choice a writer uses. Even when you explode the text, you keep a lot of the meaning of the original passage and get the added benefit of discovering your own meanings.
Exploring a dream-like interface for forming serendipitous connections between artifacts in a collection.
The interface uses a similarity matching algorithm (TFIDF) to surface similar artifacts when you click on something
Generated a deck of cards for Christopher Alexander's pattern language. His ideas are meant to be composed together but it's tough to do so in book form. By creating a card deck, it becomes easier to play with the patterns in a spatial way, moving them around and discovering interesting connections.
Cozyroom is a peer-to-peer spatial audio environment for hanging with friends
Helping my good friend, Azlen Elza, build some new features. Can embed synchronized videos and add image media to your space
For an interaction design hackathon, used a technique called telescopic text to build the landing page
It lets you hide information and iteratively expand it based on what questions a user has next